Acoustic innovation technologies towards a sustainable future
Tafortech Technologies
Tafortech Technology for Passive Noise Control | TFT-PNCM©
Control any noise emission with optimized construction solutions specifically designed for you.
We have developed this innovative technology, Young Entrepreneurs Award for Innovation, to ensure noise control with common building materials and achieve what had never been achieved before: Passive Noise Control with Guarantee on the acoustic result.
Tafortech Technology for Active Noise Control | TFT-ANCM©
Control any noise emission without any soundproofing investment.
We’ve recently developed this innovative technology, so necesary for any amplified music activity or event, to assure the maximum noise emisisions to neighbours or to outdoors, in order to avoid any possible future penalties for exceeding the regulated noise limits.
Our technology allows us to calculate the optimum noise control parameters for any sound limiter for amplified music, so that it controls at all times the transmitted noise level to any point, adapting the sound amplification in order to avoiding any penalty.
Tafortech Technology for Acoustic Quality Design | TFT-AQM©
Achieve acoustic comfort with the highest performance at minimum cost.
We have developed our acoustic quality and confort technology after years of experience in room acoustics, hifi sound systems implementation, and outdoor acoustics, to optimize the acoustic quality of any space at the project design phase.
We obtain the optimum acoustic result with the minimum materials investment using AI technology, coordinating the constructive solutions selections with the architect and the desing team, integrating the acoustics with the project aesthetics, creating the optimum comfort atmosphere.
Tafortech Technology for Cost Optimization | TFT-COPM©
Guarantee on minimum sound emissions with minimal materials at the lowest cost.
We’ve developed this unique technology to reach the same soundproofing with much less material, due to smart design of air gap and to elastic joints of the same constructive solution.
We can optimize the insulation according to 2 goals, either to achieve maximum savings or to achieve minimal loss of useful space.
Tafortech Technology for On Site Acoustic Leak Detection | TFT-ALDM©
Easily detect acoustic leaks that are ‘lowering’ any soundproofing outcome resulting in unusual high noise immision levels, by on site noise and vibrations propagation analysis methods developed by Tafortech.
We’ve developed this unique technology to achieve the maximum soundproofing that any construction may already have, avoiding high activity or machinery levels immision towards neighbors, or even allowing way higher sound music levels withing nightclubs or any musical entertainment activity.
Now we have linked the on site analysis results to our system AI by Tafortech, allowing AI to detect even more precisesly any possible noise or vibration leak, predicting how much the noise levels will lower once they are fixed, how exactly they need to be fixed, or if there is any need of soundproofing reinforcement.