Investors and hotel companies trust Tafortech for their noise and soundproofing Regulation Acomplishment, Noise Control inside the property (not regulated) and for every area’s Acoustic Quality of Comfort/Intelligibility/Sectorization (not regulated and the most noticeable by clients), as in the particular Richard Branson’s Son Valenti Rural Hotel in Mallorca. Tafortech allows them to know the optimized constructive solutions, sound systems set up and falicities noise treatment to achieve all multiple noise control goals at the lowest cost, thanks to it’s unique innovating awarded engineering system AI by Tafortech wich includes our engineering methods such as TFT-PNCM (Passive Noise Control), TFT-ANCM (Active Noise Control), TFT-AQM (Acoustic Quality Smart Design) and TFT-COPM (Cost Optimization).

Pablo Corrochano


Carla Perez-Rosales