In special live music show locations, as Lio Mallorca by Pacha in Palma de Mallorca, Tafortech assures the optimized constructive solutions and speakers set up to achieve all noise control goals at the lowest cost, thanks to it’s unique innovating awarded engineering system AI by Tafortech wich includes our engineering methods such as TFT-PNCM (Passive Noise Control), TFT-ANCM (Active Noise Control), TFT-AQM (Acoustic Quality Smart Design) and TFT-COPM (Cost Optimization).

In this case in particular we achieved something unthinkeable until now, wich is to achieve 115dBA of live music in indoors with a huge low frequency pressure and next door maintain under control the noise immission under 25dBA during Night time, in a Residential building with specific airborn structural transmission problems towards multiple neighbors.

Pablo Corrochano


Carla Perez-Rosales