In industrial areas such as the Thermal Power Station of Gas Natural Fenosa in Meirama – Spain, or in the noise and vibration control of Electrical Substations in city centers and residential areas, such as in the Substations S.E. Norte, S.E. Chamartín, S.E. Canillejas, S.E. Salamanca in Madrid, S.E. Padrón in La Coruña, S.E. Prádena in Segovia, etc, Tafortech assures the optimum calculations for the outdoor noise barrier systems to obtain the complete noise control at the lowest cost and for the investment cost optimization, thanks to it’s unique innovating awarded engineering methods such as TFT-PNCM (Passive Noise Control) and TFT-COPM (Cost Optimization).

Pablo Corrochano


Carla Perez-Rosales